Trollbilly Planer Boards will allow you to expand your trolling coverage up to 150’ each side of the boat. Effective in both lakes and rivers, Trollbilly boards can be used for multiple species and fish just about everything in your tackle box. With multiple hookup points on the connecting chain your boards will also add action to your plug, fly, spinner, spoon, etc. Trollbilly boards have been tested from idle speed up to 5 mph. They can also be used in a “backtroll” situation fishing rivers whether on anchor or under power.

The design and materials used to create these are what add to their effectiveness. Lightweight and made of wood is what make these boards sensitive to adjustment and conditions. Let’s go over some setups that will put more fish in the net!

Connecting Chain:

The point where you connect the planer line to the chain will have an effect on how the board performs. The further forward the connection-less action. The further back-more action. When you connect further forward the board slips through the water easier and jumps around less (less action). The further back you connect the line changes the pivot point of the board causing it to struggle which imparts action on the planer line thus imparting action on your fishing gear.

Boat Speed:

Coupled with your connection point, boat speed will also change how the board will fish. The pulse at which the board surges will change with speed. Experiment with speed to increase your effectiveness. When trolling at slow speeds consider running the boards closer to the boat.

Wind and Waves:

Weather conditions play a big part in planer board action. Fishing the perfect “chop” and wave direction will create the right action you’re looking for. This is especially true when fishing light baits like trolling flies, spinners and spoons.


Fishing these boards different distances from the boat also produce varied action. Just because you can run these out 150’ doesn’t always mean you should. For example, in rough water consider running them closer to the boat. If you are pulling big plugs, it may be necessary to run them closer to have the right action you’re looking for.


This technique using a planer board is seldom seen if ever! This is a very effective way to fish in a river if you have the space. In this situation run your boards close to the boat. Keep them within 40’ depending on water flows and other fisherman, boaters etc. Further away if you have the room. If you’re slipping backwards or sitting on anchor this is a very sneaky, effective way to fish a larger area.

In summary, experiment with connecting chain hook up points, distance from the boat and boat speed to find the optimal setup for your situation. 



Box Contents:






Inside your box are (4) boards. (2) are the left (port) side and (2) are the right (starboard) side. Boards with matching front angle cuts go together. As the boat moves forward angle cuts take the board away from the boat. Arrange your boards accordingly. Boards with (2) holes are the furthest from the boat (outside board). Boards with (4) holes are closest to the boat (inside board). (4) hole boards with have the chain attached in the (2) lower holes. This is where you connect the planer line coming from your boat.

Remove all hardware from the bag. Separate (2) all thread and (1) chain setup for each side of the boat. Remove (1) nylock nut and (1) washer each side of the all-thread rods (leaving (2) washers and (2) hex nuts on the all thread. The hex nuts should be threaded 2” from the end of the all thread on each side.

All-thread rods are what connect boards together. From an overhead view, arrange your boards so the outside board is 3” further forward than the inside board. Spacing between boards will be 12”. With the nylock nut and (1) washer removed connect the boards together using the spacing dimensions above. Once the all-thread is installed between the boards reinstall the washers and nylock nuts previously removed. The hardware arrangement should be hex nut and washer on the inside, nylock nut and washer on the outside. Thread the nylock nut only until its flush with the end of the all-thread. Repeat this process with all (8) nylock nuts. You may need to hold the center of the all-thread with a pair of pliers to complete this process.

Once you have installed all the nylock nuts flush with the end of the all-thread, tighten the inside hex nut pinching the board between the washers. Repeat this with all (8) hex nuts. Blue Loctite can be used on the inside hex nuts to insure nuts remain tight(check tightness periodically). Spacing between boards should be around 12 inches. Make adjustments if necessary to match the spacing front and back.

Next, install the chains. Chains come preassembled with ¼” screws, nuts and washers. Remove the nylock nut and (1) washer and install through the lower holes on the inside board. Make sure the chain is not twisted! These holes are spaced for the chain to be fairly tight. You may need to use a Phillips screwdriver to aid in installation. Once the chains are installed reinstall the washers and nuts then tighten.


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